Dig In To Web Accessibility
Keep digging deeper! Here are an assortment of resources, articles and courses -- free, paid, and with subscription.
So when are you an accessibility professional? My answer is... shrug? Keep caring, keep learning, keep championing change in your teams and codebases. To read more on this topic, check out Accessibility Pro Certified: To Be or Not To Be.
- Web Accessibility: A free Udacity course created by Google.
With Subscription
- Accessibility in JavaScript Applications: A Frontend Masters course created by Marcy Sutton.
- Start Building Accessible Web Applications Today: An Egghead course created by Marcy Sutton introducing accessibility through hands-on, technical examples.
- Hacking Digital Styleguides for Accessibility: Type, Color, Imagery: A Skillshare course created by Tatiana Mac, focusing on the basics of accessibility with a design lens.
- Deque University: Deque is a digital accessibility company offering curriculum through their Deque Unniversity platform. Maybe useful in particular if you're specifically interested in becoming certified via the International Association of Accessibility Professionals.
Intro Guides
- WebAIM Introduction to Web Accessibility: A web accessibility introduction provided by WebAIM.
- Mozilla Accessibility Guide: A learning module on accessbility comprised of multiple guides, provided by Mozilla.
- The A11y Project is an open source accessibility resource site.
- A11y Weekly is a weekly newsletter with web accessibility content and news, curated by David Kennedy.
- A11ycasts is an a11y YouTube series by Rob Dodson.
- 24 Accessibility is a series of articles related to web accessibility. New content is published every day for the first 24 days of December each year.
- A List Apart (Topic: Accessibility). A List Apart is a web zine about web topics. These are all the articles published on A List Apart tagged with
- The Web A11y Slack is a Slack team devoted to web accessibility topical discussion. Ask questions, share resources, get advice, etc. It used to have a landing page to request an invite, but that doesn't appear to exist anymore. @ me on Mastodon at amberley and I'll invite you!
The below includes things I reach for a lot. The A11y Project also has a comprehensive listing of resources.
- Lighthouse: An open-source automated tool for measuring web pages.
- WAVE: An accessibility testing tool made by WebAIM.
- Axe: An accessibility testing engine for websites and other HTML-based user interfaces, made by Deque.
- Accessibility Insights: A comprehensive, free set of testing tools from Microsoft, using Axe under the hood.
- Pa11y: A range of free and open source tools to help designers and developers make their sites more accessible (including a command-line interface, web dashboard, and CI integration tool).
- cypress-axe: A package providing commands for Cypress to run a11y checks with axe-core.
- Chrome DevTools color picker contrast ratio score: Check out this Egghead lesson to learn how to use the built-in color contrast ratio-aware color picker in Chrome DevTools.